[Featured Artist] POINT releases Debut Single, “Soop’ed Up” |@DaOfficialPoint




Rapper “Point” Hargrave was born in Evanston, Illinois about 10 miles North of Chicago. Point was raised by a single God-fearing mother who nourished and encouraged him to pursue his dreams in music. He grew up on the west side of Chicago which wasn’t necessarily the easiest upbringing. Point grew up witnessing the murders of friends and was constantly surrounded by violence. When you ask; Point what motivates him to make music he humbly replies: “When I was young I never knew if I would make it out the hood my motivation was to give my mother a better life, and that’s something I could not do as a child. Point has had dreams of becoming a rapper ever since he was 8 years old.Point’s very first major project is his upcoming mixtape Stay On Point,he worked with a couple local producers on the mixtape such as The Trakman, Mydo and he worked with producers out-of-town like platinum statz and a producer from London name Rawheatz. His song “Who Iz U” instantly became a street banger; it received a great response from the streets. Point has been offered a few independent label offers but has chosen to remain unsigned at this time. When asked about his future Point says “I just want put out a product of music that everyone can relate to and enjoy”. The music business is looking for a breath of fresh air and that’s me.” This is a business and you have to work hard for what you want, and in the end that’s what gains you the most success with your fans.

point sooped


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Please tell us about the concept of the new single “Sooped Up”?
I like the movies fast n the furious in the movie there cars are Soop’ed Up they got everything in them better engine’s, interior etc! So in my song im Soop’ed Up like the car but wit women, jewelry and money so I turned it around.

Who were involved in this project? 
Well the song Soop’ed Up was produced by Raw Heatz. Written and performed by me and it was recorded at Fortknocks studio in Tampa Fl,  mixed and mastered by Jose Drumzz.

What are your plans for this single?
My plans for this single is getting a buzz and make new fans, making it a trend for people to say there Soop’ed Up. Im hoping that a&r’s will hear it and start to watch me and also managers might like what they hear and want to represent me. I also have some females in Atlanta making a dance to it so we can put in on YouTube and worldstarhiphop.

What should your fans expect from you in the near future? 
They should expect alot im always working im done with my mixtape called Confessions Of a Addict! I have alot of singles I want to drop before the mixtape the next song will be F#ck you 2 Times! And also i expect to do alot of videos and features with other artist and one day I can get on somebody’s tour.

Posted by PlatinumVoicePR

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About Tasha

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