Flamefeugo – Money Machine

Hot rapper and singer brings truth with new single ‘Money Machine’

LOS ANGELES, CA – Flamefeugo is the perfect name for a rapper whose lyrics and flow set an audience on fire. And that’s exactly the case for this hot new Los Angeles-based rapper.

Born in New Orleans and relocated to North Carolina after Hurricane Katrina, Flamefeugo hasdeveloped a unique sound and style that is a mix of different influences all surrounding a celebration of life. His recent move to Los Angeles is the next step in a rapidly advancing career, and he’s ready to display his new work to the world with the new single, “Money Machine.”

“Most people in music refer to a lot of different things from the outside when they write,” Flamefeugo said. “My music comes from the inside. I’m helping people get through certain situations by giving them different thoughts and showing them how their outcomes can be different. This single is a perfect example of that. It’s about finding a new way to manifest money – to reach wealth, health and happiness. A lot of people listen to music, but what I’m giving people is music and inspiration combined to lead to a better life. So this song is about life and money and being a money machine.”

Flamefeugo said the song is upbeat and catchy and will be one of the hottest songs of the summer. After a career in music that started at age 15, he said he’s proud of the journey he’s taken as an artist and excited about the music he’s making today, which is exemplified in “Money Machine.”

“My goal is to touch and change the world through truth and love and consciousness,” he said. “I want my music to become known for changing people’s lives. If someone is drunk or broke every day, or anything like that, I want my music to be able to change their lives and realize one of my songs could have an impact on their lives. That’s what music has always done for me, and now I’m doing for others what I always wanted someone to do for me with music. People today need that.”

Prior to “Money Machine,” Flamefeugo has released one album and two mixtapes. He’s slowly gained a following along the east coast, and now that he’s in Los Angeles he hopes to grow that following into a worldwide audience. “Money Machine” is available for download on all digital download sites. Flamefeugo said fans should stay tuned for more music to come later this year, as well.

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To listen to Flamefeugo’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:

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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: djsmoketop10@gmail.com | Cell: 773-357-6651

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