Kinfolk Kollab – Where You From

Kinfolk Kollab

North Vegas natives Jamel Deon and K.A.T.O. continue campaigning their self-titled, debut mixtape, “Kinfolk Kollab: The Mixtape”, in full force. For this campaign leg, the duo team together to film an official Amine Tanzi video for the Moshuun produced track. Aimed at representing their side of the city, the funk heavy number is ideal for listeners to join in the festivities and rep where they’re from. K.A.T.O. provides the party dynamics to the song while Jamel offers up the inner thoughts of a young hustler. When combine together, the pair deliver the perfect formula for a street hit.

“Where You From” lands on track 7 of the mixtape that is riddled with West Coast styled production and strong hints of East Coast lyricism. Currently, the project can be found in it’s entirety on Soundcloud. The video can be viewed above and “Kinfolk Kollab: The Mixtape” can be heard below.

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About Tasha

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