Northwx – Wings

Hard-hitting Northwx brings immersive vibes
with new singles ‘Wings’ and ‘Tell Me’

GREENVILLE, SC – Art is all perspective. If you don’t like it, then you don’t like it. But if you do, then join the ride.

That’s the sentiment of new East Coast artist Northwx whose honesty and straightforward delivery is a breath of fresh air to an industry that he said is often laden with fake-ness and half-assed efforts. The music from this Greenville, South Carolina native is hard-hitting and real and like his name, set to go nowhere but up. His attention to detail in particular is evident through everything he creates. It’s a work ethic that is paying off in spades as more and more people are starting to pay attention to his art.

“The quote I always go by is ‘The need for perfection is an imperfection itself,’” Northwx said. “I live by that every day. It’s a quote I made myself about three years ago and it’s something I believe deeply in. It’s the same reason I chose the name Northwx which stands for North Wicked Xhild. North represents me because I’m someone who is going up and has the upward mobility, and Wicked Xhild is a good way to describe my personality and how that translates into my music.”

It should come as no surprise to learn that Northwx’s biggest inspirations are people like Kurt Kobain and Amy Winehouse. He loves Kurt’s raspy sound, something he credits for pointing him toward his own unique sound and style. And he loves Amy’s unique voice and how she played around with lyrics in a way that gave them more depth of feeling. More than that, he loves how real and raw they were with their music, and that’s something he wants to emulate with his own music career.

“It’s not something fabricated or put into a story that is made up in two seconds,” he said. “My music is something I think on very heavily, whether it’s short or long. I make music about things that can be put into perspective. I can speak on many messages about many things though I tend to write about darker things that people don’t talk about music – like mental health and suicide and drugs. I also talk about happy stuff but usually with a darker twist to it.”

His most recent single is a song called “Wings” which displays a more subtle, calm vibe with an ambient feeling. He said it’s a song that he knows people will be able to relate to in a lot of ways but more than that, it’s a vibe that he hopes people will be able to lose themselves in. Most of his music is created with that intention in fact, to draw people into a vibe and then let it be something that’s unique to them and their experience. 

He has another song that will drop later this summer called “Tell Me” which is about a relationship gone wrong. These singles will lead to a full mixtape called “Delinquent” which he plans to drop within the next couple of months. 

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To listen to Northwx’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:

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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: | Cell: 773-357-6651

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