Cel Escobar – Devil Want My Soul

Hot new rapper Cel Escobar displays impressive flow with new EP ‘4 For 4’ 

TRENTON, NJ – There’s a lot of versatility and nuance to the music coming from new Hip Hop wonder Cel Escobar, and he attributes much of that to the upbringing of his father, James Oliver and his grandmother, Gladys Oliver.  

Growing up in Trenton, New Jersey, Cel was rarely away from either of those inspirational people. While his father was at work, Cel stayed with his grandmother. Much of what he did was with her, and she – along with his father –taught him what it meant to be a man of integrity and to care for others around him. Between the two of them, they taught young Cel a love for music and the right way to dream for the future. And though most of his youth was dedicated to sports – including two years playing baseball in college – it seemed only natural to pursue a career in music once he finished college. In many ways, it was a fulfillment of promises his father and grandmother had spoken over him for much of his life – promises that come to fruition with his forthcoming new album “Blessed and Highly Favored.” 

“My grandma gave me the title name because she has always felt I was blessed,” Cel said. “She’d always tell me I was blessed and that I should always thank God for what I have and that has always stuck with me. She also has always told me that I’m highly favored. My father raised me and gave me my foundation, and I believe my versatility as an artist comes from him because he had me listening to all music genres. But where I’m from, it’s rare to have talent as a musician, and my grandma has always pointed me out as one of the highly favored ones to make it.” 

That inspirational message is one Cel hopes to share with the rest of the world through his music. Primarily a rapper, this young musician takes inspiration from all walks of life – whether it be societal issues or stories from his life or even dreams of the future. He’s versatile as an artist but also adheres to the old school Hip Hop style that put that genre on the map in the first place. And more than anything, he takes pride in his ability to rap at the highest level.

“That’s really what separates me a lot from anyone else,” he said. “A lot of things inspire me and I can write and rap about anything. If something really excites me, I’ll rap about it. Or I might rap about my scenery, or something I like, or something like the George Floyd thing. A lot of times it also depends on the mood I’m in.” 

That versatility will be put on display first through a four-song EP called “4 For 4” which is currently available across all streaming platforms. Starting with an intro that’s perfect for a summer vibe, the next three songs take listeners on a bit of a ride through Cel’s creative process. With “Devil Want My Soul,” Cel encourages people to go the extra mile in all things. 

“Don’t sell yourself short,” he said. “Push to the limit. That’s the message of that song, and it ties back into the full album.” 

With “Strictly for the Trenches,” Cel said he lets fans get an inside look into his evolution as an artist. This is the first song he wrote and recorded, and he said he opted to include it on the album as an homage to one of his friends who is featured on the track. The message of the song is inspired by the poverty and environment that surrounded him at the time. 

The last song on the EP is “Ride With Me” featuring the female artist Mya. Cel describes it as a mellowed, relaxed song that is perfect for cruising down the highway. A music video for this single and “Devil Want My Soul” are due to drop before the end of the summer. 

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To listen to Cel Escobar’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit: 




“4 For 4” 


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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: djsmoketop10@gmail.com | Cell: 773-357-6651

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