Fatelive – Around Me

“Not another dead rapper” 

 NEW YORK CITY, NY – This story isn’t really much different than a lot of other stories in the world. Like them, it has challenging times and prosperous times. And as such, this East Coast artist who goes by the stage name Fatelive can identify with a large audience around the world with his. 

His latest single “Around Me” is a perfect example of how he uses lyrics to connect with people and motivate them through many different life experiences. In the case of this specific single, Fatelive is exploring the after-effects of betrayal and the consequences that come from putting one’s trust in the wrong person. 

“I went through some life experiences where I had some not too trustworthy people around me,” Fatelive said. “People who were snakes. That’s what this song is about, and the theatrical video really brings it to life. I feel like it’s something many people can identify with – dealing with people who aren’t true friends. People have been victimized like I was but they survived and learned from it. We’re smarter for it and better for it, and we don’t need those kinds of people around us anymore.” 

Fatelive said he first got into music when he was around age 14, rapping and singing on his own when he was inspired by some of the legends he heard on the radio. He said he knew it was his fate to make music when some of the first things he created were embraced and celebrated by a large audience around his community. Music has been a part of him ever since, and he’s worked hard to hone his craft into something that’s truly original and signature.  

“I don’t start with a sound, I start with an experience,” he said. “I literally create a sound based off life experiences – literally things I’ve lived through or ideas I’ve had because of things I’ve seen. I’ll put that into a melody and the message comes through with my songs. Ultimately, I just want to get my story out and see where it goes from there.” 

Fatelive said in addition to the singles he’s dropping over the next few months, fans can expect to see big budget theatrical videos to go with them. The next video he plans to drop is for his upcoming single “Ruling It” which will give fans a taste of what’s to come. It’s an anthem for all those who have overcome hardships and are controlling their environment with their progress.” 

All of Fatelive’s music is available across all digital streaming platforms.

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To listen to his music or to follow him on social media, please visit: 






Everything else: @Fatelive 

About The Author

About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: djsmoketop10@gmail.com | Cell: 773-357-6651

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