Who is 6Tusk? @6Tusk



Lao-American, 6Tusk (JR Fletcher) is an  up and coming artist, songwriter, producer, and engineer, born in Nashville, Tennessee. His name derived from the Lao flag, which displays a three-headed elephant, while each elephant has two tusks.

6Tusk’s love for music began with Motown-like music and soulful RnB and as an experimental artist, this resulted in a passion for producing, mainly by sampling vinyl’s. The act of chopping samples grew into a love for Hip-Hop, in the likeness of New York style Boom-Bap. This pushed him to learn from the superiors in this lane, thus eventually giving him the potential to execute fluid delivery and lyricism in his music, all whilst still maintaining the ability to put out RnB music.


After setting his foundation, 6Tusk’s fan base was built on the strength of social media. Now reaching over 9,000 followers on Twitter and 14,000 followers on Instagram, he has accumulated over 1.5 million plays on SoundCloud. All of his material can be found on his official website, and he is now a verified artist on Spotify.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/300762923″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

6Tusk plans to capitalize on the hype from his predominantly female crowd, by making moves accordingly to better further his career, regarding collaborations and other related networking. Big things are in store for this talented artist. Be sure to follow him on all social media networks and don’t forget to press play and experience his journey.


Connect on Social Media:

Official Website


About The Author

About Ms. Carmen

Ms. Carmen - Senior Publicist at Platinum Voice PR Entertainment/Music Public Relations, Music Journalist, Writer, Host, Voice Actress Love Music, Networking, Meeting like-minded Individuals, Reality Shows

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