Cris DaShon – Major Way

Chris DaShon

Cris DaShon is coming out strong in 2018 strong with his upcoming EP “Don’t Sleep” and it’s latest release, “Major Way”

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Growing up in the cold-hearted city that is Chicago, it wasn’t long before 23-year-old Cris DaShon would become conversant with the harsh realities of the world. Curtained by no means, the young emcee was exposed to habits commonly adopted in the inner city. Nonetheless, this exposure didn’t influence his character in a way many would expect. With the knowledge from his mother, Cris would find harmony in his life that many of his childhood friends were missing. It is that harmony that would inspire his untold story of “The Loop”, the trials of young black males trying to escape the influences of Chicago during the cycle of life.

During his adolescence, Cris DaShon became interested in the art of emceeing when he stumbled upon Ludacris’s “Word of Mouf” and, Nas’s “Illmatic” CD, which helped him prepare for opportunities that would arise in the music industry. At age 18 he released his first mixtape “A Writers Mind” in 2012, creating a buzz locally. In 2013, Cris then went on to create his Grind and Improve movement. His Grind and Improve movement represents self-improvement while understanding the value of hard work and emphasizing the importance of time. Through his movement, Cris is able to show why his passion and appreciation for music sets him apart from the rest because he uses real-life experiences to illustrate his philosophies through music. He understands the musical aspect of being commercial and being creative. His style consists of lyricism, originality, soul and bounce. Environment, Experience, and mood also play a big part in his writing process.

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About Tasha

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