XNDRSOUND – October’s Eve


XNDRSOUND is an artist from Boston, MA. XNDRSOUND has released music over the past 2 years and has provided a dark, cold vibe to match that of the city he hails from. His debut EP “September” released in 2017 and was highlighted by singles “Paranormal” and “On Me”. Throughout the 2017 year he continued to release singles, “Disconnect” and “Problematic” were two standouts. After a brief break, he partnered with frequent collaborator, Humbeats, to release his second EP, “October’s Eve”.

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“October’s Eve” is the second EP by artist XNDRSOUND. The follow-up to his debut EP “September” is a 4-track project produced exclusively by Humbeats. XNDRSOUND brings a mix of dark, R&B, down-tempo tracks and a creates a mood throughout the project. Sticking to the theme of autumn and his breakout single “Paranormal”, the project starts with “Very Scary” a brief two minute intro about XNDR’s experience with the energy of other artists in the scene. “95” is a single style track with is uptempo and a bit out of character but provides a necessary boost in energy to an otherwise mellow project. “Cnflctd” is an introspective R&B where XNDR questions a relationship he once had that he was sure to last that has now fallen into disarray. “Takeoff”, the outro looks to solidify XNDR’s confidence in himself and his team.

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About Tasha

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