Jayo Da Pimp – Flex N’ Teach


Jayo Da Pimp releases new single ‘Fiji’ in anticipation
of full mixtape later this fall

BROOKLYN, NY – Jayo Da Pimp is the kind of artist that you just love to hang out with, and his music is the perfect companion for any walk of life – party, chilling, or rolling down the street. He’s cool, chill, funny, always dreaming, always smoking weed, always hanging with girls, loves tattoos and loves spending time with friends. In other words, he’s just like most other people, and his music is a reflection of that.

“I make fun music,” he said. “I’m a cool kid and I want to be positive, so my music has cool vibes. It’s chill music – the kind of music that makes you feel good. Plus, I got a lot of moods. I can relate to a lot of different people. Certain people can relate to one song, while others will relate to another song.”

That diversity is showcased on his upcoming mixtape, “The Flare,” which is literally filled with songs that he created based on the mood he was feeling at the time. The project is one that will represent him well and show fans his personality through music.

“I got a lot of different moves,” he said. “I’m a Pisces, so I’m really emotional. I smoke a lot and I have a vivid imagination. A lot of my songs are real stories that then change into something bigger and better than the original. I might have a catchy thought, or a girl got me mad, or I like the jeans I’m wearing – anything can inspire me. And from those things I just make feel-good music.”

Jayo said he first got into music during high school when he realized he’d never be good at athletics and he wanted something to express himself. Friends always said he looked like a rapper, so he decided to embrace that look and explore his own unique voice. As he worked at it, he discovered he was good at it – and today he feels like music is his calling.

As he has grown, he has looked to some of the greats for inspiration. He said Chief Keef, Wiz Khalifa and Lil Uzi are some of his most influential artists. More than anything, he likes the way those artists influenced culture and changed the direction of hip-hop music. He also likes their versatility, and hopes to be able to emulate their success with his own career.

Before the new mixtape comes out, Jayo’s first single “Fiji” is available for fans to sample. Like the other songs he writes, “Fiji” was inspired by a random occurrence during a random day of his life.

“I literally had a bottle of Fiji water in my hand when I heard this beat,” he said. “It was so fly, and I started looking around me and saw the bottle of Fiji and said, ‘Man, this beat is Fiji.’ It’s an idea – a way of life. If you saw some fly clothes or a swag look, you’d say ‘it’s Fiji.’ It could be for swag or fashion or girls or anything, really. It’s a chill, upbeat song that’s really catchy.”

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To listen to Jayo Da Pimp’s music, or to follow him on social media, please visit:

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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: djsmoketop10@gmail.com | Cell: 773-357-6651

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