GBM Roddy – Queen

GBM Roddy aims to inspire audiences with his music; launches new R&B-infused single ‘Queen’

BALTIMORE, MD – While so many other artists out there are talking about getting money or girls or having a good time, GBM Roddy is a musician who wants to talk about the other side of success – the side that involves hard work and persistence and the kind of grit that only comes from true dedication. 

The 20-year-old East Coast rapper has long had a passion for music and had enlisted in the Army as a way to not only better himself but to make enough money to launch his aspiring music career. Now two years into his enlistment, he’s slowly building a catalog of music that he is eager to release to the world. His music is versatile, ranging from a monotone melodic sound to a more free-spirited vibe. His lyrics range from betrayal to trust issues, from struggles to fun times, partying and everything in-between, but always with a perspective that is unexpected.

“That’s me,” he said. “In my music I’m blunt with describing what I think it takes to come from the bottom to the top. I’m fortunate but I’m nowhere near the top yet. I’d like to get to the top and my art and music is what’s gonna get me there. Other people talk about getting money and getting girls or whatever, but I talk about the other side of it – the hard work and persistence that it takes to truly make it. To survive this world, you have to be realistic and push through the various obstacles of life. My sound and my voice illustrate that. It’s hard out here when you don’t trust anybody, or when you feel like nobody is with you. But the reality isn’t all bad and sometimes people don’t realize what that reality is. Once I get out there on a larger scale, I can be that person who tells the real side of it. Once I figure it out, I’m gonna put the ones who were just like me on – reaching out and getting no love. The real will prevail.”

Most recently, GBM Roddy has developed the single “Queen.” The reggae-forward Afro-beat pairs with an R&B vibe alongside lyrics that talk about pursuing a beautiful woman so deeply that you end up falling in love with her. It’s a song that he said goes beyond merely the chase of a man and a woman in a club and into the deeper behind-the-scenes side of relationships. 

“You want to provide her with everything,” GBM said. “That’s your pitch to her. You’re going to pursue the woman because you want more for her. As a man, what I’ve learned in life and through studying natural human behavior is that you need to provide your woman a high quality of living if you want to keep her and deserve her. So what starts in the club with this song goes beyond to the uncut expression of that raw, original feeling of true love. I’m promising her the world and treating her the way she deserves to be treated.”

GBM not only raps on the track but also sings and combines all kinds of different sounds for something that’s upbeat and truly original. Fans who have heard other songs from him in the past have heard this single and commented that it’s like a breath of fresh air – something refreshing and different and definitely catchy. 

“At the end of the day, I’d like my music to really impact people,” GBM said. “It might sound simple but I just feel like a lot of music today isn’t focused on other people but is just trying to create a good sound. I really want my music to be something where you get the message and understand what I’ trying to say and the story I’m trying to tell. I really take the time to influence others to embrace their uniqueness. Be your own person. A lot of content today isn’t genuine. But if someone is trying to come from the bottom and get to the top, and actually gets there, they should use their story to inspire other people. That’s what I’m trying to do.”

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To listen to GBM Roddy’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:

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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: | Cell: 773-357-6651

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