A-M-P – Bad And She Know It


A-M-P teams up with Kurt Kobane Couthon, legendary producer from The Death Row Days, to create an ode for all the go getting women titled “Bad And She Know It”. Featuring on the record are two of A-M-P’s fellow Gett Loww Militainment Records affiliates, Left Gunz and Killah Chi

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When you think of Tampa, Florida you think of sun, beaches and most likely Cuban food. A-M-P wants that to change. His music is laced with reality, emotions and inspiration. From the intro on his debut album “Field Vision” all the way to his most latest release, you can hear the hunger in his voice. With clever wordplay and delivery to catchy hooks and topics he is bound to make it to any of your playlists with his versatility he offers. The book is still being written on his story and he welcomes you all to be a part of it. Follow A-M-P on his journey and take pride in your own Field Vision.

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About Tasha

I'm the owner of this hee-yuh!

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