Amsi – I Don’t Want to Be Here

Amsi drops moody pop anthem just in time for Valentine’s Day

NEW YORK, NY – Valentine’s Day can be incredibly difficult for those who are forced to be away from their significant others. Whether it’s because of a long-distance relationship, a work trip or unforeseen situations, being apart from your lover on a day meant for romance and deeper connection can leave you with a sense of yearning that often leads to loneliness.

New York-based songstress Amsi knows all about that feeling, and she captures it in her latest single “I Don’t Want to Be Here.” Set to release on Valentine’s Day, the moody pop anthem features her signature vocals over a catchy production that will connect immediately with anyone listening. 

“It’s about being in love with someone who is far away from you and the only thing you can think about is being with them,” she said. “The writing process of this song is an interesting story. I was in my room feeling trapped and I happened to get a melody into my head. I really liked the melody, and I just kept repeating the lyrics, ‘I don’t want to be here right now.’ I was very sad, and this song seemed like a very natural way of coping. It was so organic and in the moment, I literally wrote it in less than an hour. It felt so empowering. Sometimes, saying it out loud is what it takes because it helps to release all that negative energy so that you can take a step forward.”

Amsi has been taking many steps forward recently – both in her private life and her music. Born in Germany to Indian immigrant parents, her family moved to the U.S. when she was very young. She recalls being introduced to MTV at the age of three and discovering musical icons like Celine Dion and Whitney Houston, among others. She knew immediately she wanted to perform and move audiences in a similar way to those legends, and she hasn’t looked back since. The journey wasn’t always easy, as Amsi spent much of her teenage years trying to “fit in” and downplay her Indian background.

“I was trying to assimilate into ‘American’ society so much that I was pushing that Indian heritage away,” she said. “But I’m realizing that I shouldn’t do that anymore, I need to embrace it. If I’m covering it up, I’m not contributing to the art. I want to contribute in a way that inspires others. If other women can look at me as an Indian woman and say, ‘I can do this,’ then I know I’ve done something right. There needs to be more diversity, and the world is accepting that a lot more than it ever has. I really believe that now more than ever, it is important for me to use my music as a catalyst to change and inspiration. I want my music to make people feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves.”

In recent years, the New York singer-songwriter has come to fully appreciate her ethnicity and is embracing her Indian culture through her music. Amsi is currently in the early stages of creating her debut EP, set to release later this year.

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To listen to Amsi’s music or to follow her on social media, please visit:

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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: | Cell: 773-357-6651

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