OK look, let me start by saying this…I love white people. I grew up around white people. Never had a problem with them, despite the treatment me and my family have received by racists over the years. I have many white people in my family. Needless to say, there’s no issue there for me. Now that I done said that…
This new generation of white kids is a breed I wasn’t prepared for. Ages 26 and under white people, I’m addressing you. I don’t know who, or what makes you feel comfortable enough to say NIGGA, but listen to me when I tell you…that WILL NEVER BE ACCEPTABLE. I don’t care if your best friend is black, your girl/boyfriend is black, your babydaddy, or even if your stepdaddy is black…IT WILL NEVER BE OK FOR YOU TO LET ‘NIGGA’ COME OUT OF YOUR MOUTH. Point blank, period. Let me break this down.
We as black people have, and continue to endure things you’re priviledged asses will never have to. We are critized, killed, beaten, and belittled on a daily basis. And our black men that you little white girls love so much, have it the worse. All ya’ll see is the culture, and how trendy we are. All ya’ll see is how great our men are at every sport known to man. All ya’ll see is how strong and swaggy we are, and all ya’ll heffas see is that our men are the most well-endowed out of all other races. It’s all surface for most white people, and that’s the biggest problem. That’s also why white people as a whole are known to be the most ignorant race in the world.
You see what’s on the surface, but have no idea what lies beneath. Growing up as a young girl in Kentucky, I was harrassed, bullied, and intimidated by white people, being called a “little nigger bitch” while a rebel flag was forced in my face when I was just 3 years old. My grandmother watched her mother get pissed on by white men while she was in the yard picking cotton. My uncle was jumped by 3 white men, and they carved NIGGA in his back with a butcher knife. These, and millions of other stories are real.
OK yes, the word ‘nigger’ should probably be exed out for good. Its such an ugly part of our history, but realistically, we know that word ain’t going anywhere. So we (we meaning black people ONLY) took that word, reclaimed it, and turned it into OURS. Nothing wrong with that. But notice I said OURS. That word was meant to stay within our culture because of the simple fact that your people have tainted it. Now let me say this loud and clear.
It will never be acceptable for a white person to say nigger or nigga. NEVER. As white people, you will NEVER understand the pain that lies behind that word. The struggles, the deaths, the abuse, you don’t know what we had to go through. You might get away with it in little towns like the one I came from, but take yo white ass to Chicago and say nigga; I guarantee you won’t make it out. As a woman who takes pride in her heritage, that will not be said by a white person in my presence. If these other disrespectful nigglets allow you to say it, then they’re just as ignorant as you, and don’t deserve to be black. If you love our culture, or our men/women, then have respect for us and our ancestors, and keep that word out of your mouth. Now, for the last time…
1 Comment undefined "An Open Letter to White People Who Thinks Its OK to Say ‘Nigga’"
*snaps twice* YAAAASSS GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!