Avalon Ace and OG Sosa Locc – Visionary Blues

Visionary Blues

Avalon Ace and OG Sosa Locc debut the lead single, “Visionary Blues”, from their upcoming joint EP, “TheBlueTape”. This track is a smooth representation on how we outlet are feelings through the new generation as well as giving the listener a deeper meaning to the phrase “Visionary Blues”

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Avalon Ace is an artist out of Los Angeles, California. He’s been killing the streets with his versatility and smooth melodies. After making music all his life, he feels it’s now his destiny to pursue it as a career.

OG Sosa Locc is a blues / rap artist out of Dallas, Texas. With a raw delivery and southern vibe, he’s sure to touch the soul.

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About Tasha

I'm the owner of this hee-yuh!

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