B2D Talks Bellavino Billionaires Music Group, New Music, & The Business Side Of The Industry

Originally from Colorado and now residing in Austin, Artist B2D credits the success of his music to the demons of society that haunt him. Fans tune in to this exclusive interview and get up and close with B2D.

MJ: Thank you for taking time away from the mic for this interview, your time is appreciated.  For those who aren’t familiar with you as an artist, tell us who you are.

B2D:   My Name is B2D which stands for Born 2 Die, and I’m an artist & CEO of my record Label Bellavino Billionaires Music Group, which I just established a little over a Year Ago.  I’m very versatile as an artist and feel like I shine most in my music when I share my pain. I love art in all forms, but I never been to good with a paint brush, so what I can paint with words is way above standard.

MJ:  When did music become a major part of your life? Was it teenage years or even younger?  Also tell us when you realized music was no longer a hobby or a passion.

B2D:  I was a fan of music and it played a major role in my life before I could even talk. As a I use to bob my head or dance to music all the time, the vibe was just there. I was always passionate about music and I would release music for free all the time.  I never took a look at it like a business.  But once I started to take my music seriously and wanted to make a living from it, best believe I made a lot of mistakes.  I work very closely with a childhood friend that’s very successful in the music industry who is guiding and managing my career.  A year from now life for me and my team will be very different on the positive end! Blood, sweat, and tears, we know we have to put everything we have into our dream or we won’t get anything out of it, or see any results.

MJ: You take pride in steering away from “fake rappers who rap about situations they never been through”.  Why do you think that has become so trendy lately? What specifically about your music separates you from those rappers?

B2D:  Music is music.  I really dislike rappers who talk like their Tony Montana flipping kilos and killing whoever they have beef with or make it big from false stories in their raps. The twist to all of this nonsense is real street cats, the young ones more so feel like they really have to prove that they are real to the world and they will go rob somebody or lay somebody down then get on a track and brag about! It’s not smart and doesn’t make any sense business or music wise.  The trend right now is a catchy hook and an auto tune verse.  People use to steal the Migos delivery but now rappers will go with whatever single is hot at the moment and steal that delivery whether it’s Drake or 69 Kat, or whoever.  What separates me or my music from other artists is simply me!  I’m not trying to be anybody else. When it’s time to record music I put all of me on the records and I give fans the real me and my real life.  I don’t front or lie on my tracks to look cook or gain fans.

MJ: It takes a real emcee to share their personal life, mistakes, encounters with the law, running the streets, etc. with the world and fans!  In the world we live in today the media and press tend to shy away from artists who speak upon “their past of hard knocks”.   How do you feel about that?

B2D:  I don’t agree with that I feel like they always bring up the past and they never talk about the positive changes they have made in their life.

MJ: Besides being an Artist you are also in the process of building your own Record Label. Gives us some insight on the label, and the new compilation out now under that label.


B2D:  Building a label is a lot of hard work.  I’m constantly grinding and making sure that both myself and artists are getting the most effective exposure. The hardest part is dealing with some artists. Some artists think they deserve a lot of money once their album or single drops.  Or they think they know everything when they haven’t been signed in the past. A lot of artists lack the knowledge of the business side of music and that is one my goals with the label. I work diligently to educate artists… I will say this though, the new compilation has me and a few of my artists on going hard from beginning to end. Since the release we have been receiving a tremendous amount of positive feedback.  We are polishing up on another compilation that will be released in a couple of months.

MJ: You have collaborated with some major artists. Do you have a top 3 of other artists you would like to share the stage or studio with?

B2D:  The top three artists I would like to collaborate with in the studio is NbA Young Boy, Icewear Vezzo, and Moneybagg Yo.

MJ: B2D wears many hats! Tell us about the clothing line and the winery.

B2D:  I started making wine nine years ago.  I was taught by a retired cook on a cruise ship. I titled the wine Bellavino and I distribute it through events, fashion shows, and online at www.BellavinoBillionaires.com.  Bellavino Billionaire Apparel is also available at shows and events. Right now no other hats are getting put on until the Label Bellavino Billionaires Music Group has a level of skyrocket success!

MJ: With so much on your plate as a true entrepreneur has, what is your secret to balance, especially with family?

B2D:  Balance comes from making a schedule and making sure you make time for what’s important every week.

MJ: Who are some people who have an influence on your life and career?

B2D: 2pac inspired me to rap and Adrain Swish inspired me to turn my passion of music into a business. Seeing someone else come up doing what I love to do inspires me, haters and non-believers inspire me, and most importantly my daughter inspires me!

MJ:  What’s up next for B2D?

B2D:  More music and acting.

MJ: As we wrap up is there anything else you want the world to know about yourself and your label?

B2D:  Roll up some weed or whatever it is you might do and prepare yourself for the show Bellavino Billionaires Music Group is about to give you!

Stream “Bellavino Billionaires Squad Compilation” below 



Follow B2D

Instagram @bellavino_billionaires

Facebook @Born 2 Die 

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