Dante’ Note’ – Dodie (@NotesDante)


Dante’ Note’ presents “Dodie”; a vibrant, funky, 4/20 friendly track that will definitely get your head bobbing and your body grooving to the beat

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Dante’ Note’ is a musician, songwriter, poet and actor. It is said, according to a family tradition, that his possession of great talent was predicted by a prophet shortly after he was born. He held him in her arms and told his mother that Dante’ was destined for greatness and that he should not mingle with others but instead stick to the Church. So Danté was largely sheltered from outside influences for much of his early life and now, he and his talents are bursting forth and being revealed to a world eager for the freshness and vibrancy he offers.

Danté plays numerous instruments. His grandmother taught him piano at age 3. By age 5 he had his first drum set; by 10, an electric guitar. He learned the bass guitar when he was 12. His love for music is almost as intense as his musical and performing talents. He is passionate that music must move people. His songs should have meaning – “People should,” says Dante, “hear what I’m saying. It must have meaning. It must make you laugh or cry. It must move you.”

About The Author

About Tasha

I'm the owner of this hee-yuh!

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