Deathtoleo – Whoknowswhitney? @kvngleoooooo

The maxkoolin produced “Whoknowswhitney” is the latest waved out and amped up single from Deathtoleo.

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Deathtoleo, is a Illinois native thats from a small city known as Belleville, IL and raised around many more places around the area such as East St Louis, IL and Cahokia, IL. Leo was not raised in a good home and still is going through the same as any 18 year old kid. He’s been doing music for 10 years now. Inspired heavily by XXXtentacion, his music began to morph him into the style of artist he is today. Deathtoleo works 3 jobs to not only support him and his family but to also be able to fund his musical career. Check out his new single above and follow him on Twitter.

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About Tasha

I'm the owner of this hee-yuh!

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