Earlii_Red Offers a Plethora of Opportunities for Artists @Earlii_Red

Earlii_Red Promotions is a thriving Independent Company based out of New Jersey.  Earlii_Red who is the CEO and Founder of ERP is well known in the Communities and Entertainment World as a Hip Hop and Arts Activist, Publicist, Event Planner, Booking Agent, A&R Scout, and Host. Earlii_Red is not only a phenomenal woman but has earned title of successful Entrepreneur!

MJ:  First and foremost let’s take it back, as most often in this business we are fans first.  You have always been an enthusiast of music, specifically Hip Hop and R&B. How did that evolve from being a fan to starting a career in Entertainment?

ER: Firstly, I will always be a fan first every step along the way in my career. It all started from when I was a kid, years ago and always had a special vision on music and helping people. It’s very important to keep that “musical ear” going so with that said I decided to start my Independent Company, Earlii_RedPromotions. With a mission to get the upcoming artists and more advanced artists in getting the exposure they need via promo, social media, marketing, bookings, etc.…since new technologies are growing and building every day. I also act as a mentor to many because sometimes as we all know life can be hard and sometimes people just need to build and grow with the right people in their life not always on a business level.  That I believe separates me from most.

MJ: You have and still presently work closely with independent artists as well as major artists and mainstream labels.  Talk about some differences between working with indie and major artists.  Do you notice a difference in attitudes, or work ethics? What would you say are key elements an indie artist needs in order to cross over to that mainstream lane?

ER: The difference between Independent and Mainstream in my opinion all falls on the artists and what goals they might have in their music careers. Attitude is very important to me when it comes to business and in my opinion Independent artists have a better attitude or work ethic because they look at the outside world differently and are easier to plan and build with. Sometimes a Mainstream artist will think since they made it all the work will be done for them and that is not always true. They still will have to keep a great rapport with the people and listeners. If an Independent artist is looking to go mainstream my advice to them would be to get the proper support and team to have with them every step of the way of their career. Not knowing the business side of things always worries me about all artists in general because that is key, and they will need to look at it as their own company to see growth. A lot has changed since the older era and more people need to be educated on it more than ever now, in my opinion.

MJ: You provide an incredible amount of platforms for artists to shine, gain recognition, and to progress in their careers.  Take a moment to share a little bit about those specific platforms.

ER: Yes! I’m all about artists and people that know me will vouch for that because I like to always see every angle of situations but most importantly what is the best interest of that particular artist. With that said, I offer shows/concerts, and I power myself or work with my affiliated partners to get their hard work out there and noticed by the right people. Whether it’s various Independent or Mainstream companies/labels like Def Jam, Universal, Sony, and ASCAP to name a few. I also started my own TV Show a few months ago (2017) RedTV on SNYCTV’s Manhattan TV Network located in Midtown Manhattan, NY. I interview artists and entrepreneurs, and air their music videos or information about their company. I’m all about building, networking, and making better relationships with people I work with so we all can achieve success in this crazy world we live in today. So why not do something you love to do? The time is NOW! If anyone is interested in submitting to my show you can email: redtv.nyc@gmail.com for more information.

MJ: It’s no secret that is double time work for a woman in the music and entertainment industry.  What keeps you motivated to keep going?  What is some advice you can give to other women who are thinking about following your footsteps career wise?

ER: My motivation everyday changes honestly, I set goals for myself daily, weekly, monthly and yearly and that keeps me going because I’m always up for a challenge and like to do new things. Besides having an Entertainment background and playing sports currently and most of my life, being productive and a “go-getter” is very important too if you’re looking to accomplish something. Yes, we all go through trial and error or even failures but my advice to all women would be to get back up and face all your challenges because STRONG women are hard to defeat. Women need to empower each other everyday and more in my opinion because it always seems we have bigger burdens to fill and we all need to let people know the difference, and where we are coming from in our work ethics.

MJ: In terms of the platforms you provide and the different hats you wear do you have a favorite, such as cyphers, showcases, special events, hosting?

ER: As far as choosing a favorite task or job I prefer to do it all. I like the many hats I wear and gives me a variety because it never makes it boring or gets old. There is always room for improvements. I love to help others so wherever I’m needed pertaining to an event I’m all for it! But, if I really had to choose working special events and hosting would be one of my favorite choices because I like to engage people and crowds to have a good time!

MJ: I’m curious, who is in your personal playlist? Also who have been top influences in the evolvement of Earlii_Red?

ER: Currently on my personal playlist would be my favorite tracks from my Independent Hip Hop Artist Cashrac which I manage, 90’s slow jams, and 80’s Freestyle music. My top influences would have to be my artist Cashrac for whom I expanded on my vision and really started going hard for when I heard his lyrical content and it was like “love at first sight”!  He is so talented and gets his credit all over the world in this industry. Lastly, I would like to shout out my business partner Ed from StudioNYC and the rest of the SNYCTV family as we have been building and working hard for years now and they both have ALWAYS had my back. Building a strong team to me is always the key to success!

MJ: Before we wrap up, tell everyone what is coming up this year for ERP. Will ERP be expanding?

ER: So far coming up this year in 2018, ERP will be involved with many special events, political events, festivals, distribution opportunities, deals for artists, and of course more showcases and concerts. Also, I will be hosting and bringing back out a new and approved segment on RedTV called “Fire Dept” that will feature artists rap freestyles and cyphers. I encourage people to follow me because my schedule is always changing and we are always expanding…At the time all dates are TBA.

MJ: Thank you for taking time out, much continued success!

ER: Follow @earlii_red on FB, IG & Twitter.   Thank you all and most importantly MJ for this awesome interview! ~ Red

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