Hartbreaak – Yea

Heartbreaak uses pain of personal loss to inspire others through art on new single ‘Yea’ 

SAVANNAH, GA – Hartbreaak has experienced a lot of loss within a short amount of time. The 20-year-old artist from Savannah, Georgia, lost one of his best friends, his grandmother, and his older brother all within a few months of each other. Growing up amidst the struggle, he’s seen his fair share of hurt and pain – most especially in the eyes of those he loves the most – and taken alongside those deaths the heartbreak can be almost overwhelming. But instead of letting that heartbreak debilitate him, he’s embraced those experiences and chosen to use them as fuel for the fire of ambition he feels when it comes to making his music. Operating under the stage name Hartbreaak, he has transferred that pain into music that’s connecting with fans all over the world.  

His latest single is a song called “Yea,” which is currently available across all streaming platforms. It’s part of an upcoming project that he said will be full of “pain, true feelings and straight facts.” 

“It’s going to be my hardest project yet,” he said. “It will be relatable music and of course mad songs, but also love for the beautiful women. What makes me stand out from others I would say is my hunger, energy, performance, patience, and the way I am so very versatile and open-minded. I’m always gonna keep it real. Always stay true to yourself is the philosophy I live by. At the end of the day I hope people will look at me and say, ‘At least he was being real.’” 

Hartbreaak is adamant about making sure people know he’s not a pretender when it comes to the content and quality of his art. The pain he brings to the table through his words and work are real. The insights he offers to his listeners are born from experiences from his young life. And despite all of his hardships and heartbreak, he still presents an open and friendly demeanor that many people love to be around. And in a world filled with arrogant and braggadocios artists, Hartbreaak is as humble as they come. 

“I’m very open-minded and even goofy,” he said. “I’m not hard to work with. I have a crazy work ethic. I know how to stay relevant. And the biggest thing is I know how to make good music and keep it real. I’m touching different races’ hearts and getting mad love around the world. My style is coming together, and I’m finding myself in new ways. I thank God for my figt and the things that are happening to me right now. There are a lot of people depending on me, and I can’t let them down – or myself down – because this has been our family dream for years. Stay tuned in … we are on our way for sure.” 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkOtqqa4Z9k&w=560&h=315]

To listen to Hartbreaak’s music, or to follow him on social media, please visit the following links: 







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