HVNK – Wrong. @_HVNK_

HVNK’s most recent release, “Wrong.”, is a dark ballad in which she showcases her wide vocal range and contemporary songwriting abilities. This track explores the feeling of love and loss; the differing harmonies on the hook represent the dark and light side of a modern relationship. We tend to get so caught up and consumed in the negativity in what other say via social media that we lose sight of the good things we see in people. Social media truly has the ability to make or break a relationship.

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HVNK, born Hannah Sweet is a 26-year old singer born and raised in Niles, Michigan. She studied Vocal Performance and Theater while attending Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana and decided to move away from her small town to pursue a career in music in Dallas, Texas. She soon began to thrive in Dallas working with Houston producer Jake Markow. After the local success of her two singles Hide and Say she later decided to move to Chicago, Illinois. Growing up she has taken influence from a variety of female artist from Whitney Houston to Amy Lee, Madonna and Lana Del Rey. Her influences have led her to pursue a musical style that would be described as Dark RnB/Electro Pop.

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About Tasha

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