New teenage singer Mailynn Severson breaks the mold for Pop genre with intriguing new sound and style
SAN JOSE, CA – The music from 16-year-old Mailynn Severson might on the surface sound like the innocent teenage girl trying to become the next big Pop star, but upon closer inspection her music doesn’t really fit in with that “cookie-cutter” Pop sound of today’s music industry. With lyrics that have deeper, almost melancholy allusions and a sound that fits more alongside the angst-driven female singers of the 1990s, Severson’s brand of Pop is something a little different. It’s a breath of fresh air in a crowded world of entertainment that’s often displayed with bubblegum packaging for young teenage singers.
That’s not to say that her style of music isn’t connected to today’s teenage audience. In actuality, her raw emotion and inside look at the thoughts and feelings of a young teenage girl in today’s American society is more closely akin to the real world than a lot of other music out there today. And as such she’s relating with a rapidly expanding wave of new fans all over the U.S. with her latest string of single releases.
En route to the release of her five-song EP “Circus Mirror,” Severson is dropping each of the singles from the project one month at a time. She started with the title track “Circus Mirror” in early June, and has received praise from listeners all over the world as other teenagers have immediately connected with the song’s messages of insecurity and self-doubt and body issues. She’s followed that up with her latest single, “Movie Love,” which is perhaps her most upbeat song from the forthcoming EP.
“I was on the phone with my boyfriend while I was writing it and I had this idea to create something that’s like that perfect love you see in the movies,” she said. “I tend to write more deep and sad songs, so this was kind of a step out of my comfort zone. It’s something I’ve been trying to replicate with some of the newer songs I’ve been writing – to lift the mood in some ways. But for the most part ‘Circus Mirror’ is the perfect outlet for girls my age and really gives some insight into teenage girls today, I think.”
Though Severson admits that her style of music does technically fit into the Pop genre, she’s quick to assert the fact that it’s a different, newer sound that’s more on the acoustic side of things than anything else. As such, it’s difficult to precisely label her style – which suits her fine, as she hopes to be an artist who can be influential across multiple genres. She’s inspired by artists such as Alicia Keys or Tori Amos, and said she aspires to write music that – like the songs of those legends – has a clear message that’s real and genuine.
To listen to Mailynn Severson’s music, or to follow her on social media, please visit the following links:
“Move Love” –