MKHL – Kirin (@MKHLmusic)


New York Based artist MKHL taps his love for “Naruto”, anime and music and brews a smooth tune titled “Kirin”, produced by Josh Kelly

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MKHL is an artist like no other with near infinite untapped potential and an undying will. Inspired by the sounds of Kid Cudi and Travis Scott, MKHL’s take on Alternative Hip Hop combines the new booming 808 feel with old school lyrical rap while still holding on to his U.K. roots to create a completely unique sound true to his own word.

Born in London, Graduating film school in NYC and then forging his own path into the world of music, MKHL’s ability to charm and connect with crowds is almost second nature along with his ability to rap, sing, play multiple stringed instruments masterfully, produce and film.

During his long and diverse journey through music, Mikhael Naylor has been featured in ComplexMmagazine, Stereotype Co and modeled for multiple indy fashion labels throughout NYC in his music videos and video promo spots.

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About Tasha

I'm the owner of this hee-yuh!

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