OK yeah I know…we’ve officially gone digital, but BDS registration is still very much relevant when pursuing putting your music on the radio. Also, radio doesn’t necessarily mean FM radio; there are tons of online and satellite stations that are BDS registered and you can get paid from those plays. So here we go, for those who get confused, here’s how to register your music with BDS.
Hit the jump.
BDS: Submit CD’s and MP3’s free of charge, electronically through the secure Virtual Encode website.
Virtual Encode Access:
Please send an email with “Virtual Encode” as the subject to our Client Services Department at clientservices@bdsonline.com for a username and password.
PLEASE include the following information in the body of your email:
• Your Full Name
• Company or Label Name
• Contact Number
• Primary Email Address
• Any Additional Contact Information
You will then receive login information and instructions via email for the Virtual Encode website to upload your music. The password is usually encode.
Follow the instructions from there. In the box, there will be an option to upload an mp3. Remember, MP3’s only.
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