NVNN Eazzee – Uzumaki @nvnn_eazzee

NVNN Eazzee was born on November 21, 1999 in New York, Bronx. At the age of 14 NVNN moved to Washington, Mount Vernon for a better lifestyle and to stay away from the streets. when he joined Mount Vernon High School, his jr year NVNN decided to rap. Influenced by his friends and school to do more rap, he soon started gaining traction from his songs called “Brand New” and “Gotta Know” from not only his town, but from people all over the world! He then started investing more into not only rap but making music videos and beats as well. In a year he not only managed to gain fans from all over the world but also manage to generate over 100K plays and big following on Soundcloud. NVNN has more work coming out from Washington and expects to make it big to change the world and give back.

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His new song is titled “Uzumaki” and Eazzee had this to say about it.

“Uzumaki” was a song I always thought needed to be hard. when I heard the beat from Ly bandz I immediately copped it. The beat had a Naruto vibe to it as well as a bump and unique rhythm so when I flowed on it, it felt natural. During the process of the song I only wrote like about verse. Just wanted to sound hard from the start and then mellow it out with a hit. With altercations in the future, I ended up adding another verse to tell people who was holding it down. When dropped the song started generating big numbers and good feedback like ” this is it chief” and “shit is hard”, it easily became my number one song on Soundcloud. I am going to make a video to it soon and I want the energy to be as hype as the song is.

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About Tasha

I'm the owner of this hee-yuh!

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