Post: 5 Ways to Reduce Admin Time in Your Business

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One of the worst parts about running your own small business is the sheer amount of admin that you need to do in order to keep things afloat. It can sometimes feel like you’re buried under a mountain of paperwork with no escape to be had, making it impossible for you to work on the important task of actually growing your business. 

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be that way. Although you are never going to eliminate admin completely, there are things you can do to reduce the admin burden and spend more time on other aspects of your company, and below you will find some of the best.

1. Outsource it

The most obvious solution for dealing with your business admin is to simply outsource it. From freelance bookkeepers to virtual assistants, there is a range of comp[ettewnt professionals who will be only too happy to take some of the burden away from you for a fee. If you can afford it, it’s probably the best way to reduce your business admin so you can focus omn ore important matters.

2. Automate it 

Of course, we are living in the age of technology, which means it is also possible to automate a lot of the daily admin that you need to get through on your business. From staff scheduling software that can reduce the admin involved in that particular task by as much as 80 percent to bookkeeping software that needs very little input, automatic tools are where it’s at and the more of them you use, the less of a burden your company’s admin will be.

3. Get rid of it

Of course, many companies find that many of the admin tasks they routinely work on are not actually necessary, and by eliminating any admin tasks that are not legally required or absolutely n necessary to running the business is a great way to reduce the burden of administrative duties on the company. In order to determine if you are doing more admin than necessary, you’ll need to conduct an audit, which might take some time, but it will be worth it if you can cut admin times right down.

4. Do it in batches

If you have admin that is unavoidable, try grouping it into batches. This makes it much easier to process because when you’re doing like tasks, it is much easier to stay in the flow of the work than it is when you are switching between things.

5. Use templates

Templates make the process of preparing invoices, writing emails, doing the accounts, sending out letters, and so on, a lot more simple. And these days you can find free and low-cost templates for just about any admin task you can think of, so be sure to make use of them if you’re serious about cutting admin time in your business.

Admin will always be part of your business life, but it really doesn’t necessarily need to be a big one!

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