When we talk about pelvic tilt, what we are referring to is the anterior pelvic tilt. In other words, we mean to say the pelvis has rotated forward, the lumbar spine has a pronounced curve that pushes the abdominals forward over the feet, and the neck and head become unstable. This is a condition that you may have to some degree, while you also may have seen others who have it quite plainly. It’s caused by many different things but usually, it’s due to the modern lifestyle of sitting down for prolonged periods of time. It can also be caused by injury, such as a car crash. Pelvic tilt isn’t necessarily very painful, but it can lead to chronic back and leg pain which can disrupt your way of life. It can also cause muscles to become weak and this leads to further complications. Let’s explore what causes pelvic tilt and how to fix it.
The causes
Pelvic tilt is predominantly caused by sitting for hours on end. This is common for most people as this is what we do while working. Sitting at the desk and using the computer for hours at work, you wouldn’t realize that you’re doing your body more harm than good. This is why it’s important to get up and walk around for a couple of minutes every other hour. It helps to readjust the pelvis and prevent the lumbar spine from curving too much.
Pelvic tilt can occur because of weak hip flexors. This can be caused by a sudden impact such as a car crash. If you have experienced a car crash lately and now have an anterior pelvic tilt, get lawyers dedicated to your case to fight for compensation. Physiotherapy is not cheap so get some compensation to help pay for time off work, healthcare bills and long-term specialist care requirements.
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What anterior pelvic tilt causes
The anterior pelvic tilt misaligns not just your bones and joints, but your muscles too. If the back is leaning forward, resting it’s weight onto the pelvis, this can cause your lower back muscles to atrophy. This means your back is getting weaker and making it more and more likely that it will be harder to correct the pelvic tilt. The longer it doesn’t get fixed, the more work will be needed to correct the rotation forward.
Beside lower back pain, it causes hip and also knee pain. As you can imagine, the additional weight now pronounced forward, puts extra pressure onto your hip flexors and knee flexors. Stability problems arise from incorrect posture and your hips and knees pay the price. The forced rotation inward of the knees and the hips trying to stabilize your torso, can cause chronic pain and early onset arthritis.
Some easy fixes
The great thing about an anterior pelvic tilt is, it’s essentially just a posture issue. So, you don’t have to go see a chiropractor just yet. Here are some easy fixes you can do at home.
- Squats. One of the best exercises for total body health and it can easily help to fix your pelvic rotation. Just remember that proper technique is required, so slightly rotate your knees outward to get the adductors and hip flexors to engage more with every rep.
- A hip flexor stretch is helpful. This can be done kneeling or standing. You will essentially get into a lunge position, lean forward and backward slowly and the flexors should stabilize your weight.
- The simple plank is a brilliant tool. This is where you lay on your elbows and forearms and on your tiptoes, and simply hold your body in position until you can’t anymore.
Avoid the tilt
Rather than perform corrective tasks, focus on preventing the tilt in the first place. One thing you can do is to just avoid sitting for prolonged periods. Inform your employer of your pelvic tilt, with the support of a doctor’s recommendation if possible. Go for a 1-2-minute walk every hour or so and ask for some space where employees can stretch.
Try to become more active, engaging in regular exercise. Simple calisthenic workouts are a must. Squats, lunges, leg raises, flutter kicks, pushups and situps can be done without any equipment at all.
Focus on correcting your posture. Roll your shoulders back, sit up straight, tense your core a little and don’t look down with your head. Raise your monitor or screen at work so it is in line with your eyes.
An anterior pelvic tilt is common among most people to some degree. Hopefully now you will understand how to prevent it and how to treat it, so you can avoid lower back pain and flexor issues.