Preserving Your Health As You Get Older: 4 Things You Need To Be Doing

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It’s no secret that your body changes as you get older and that women, especially after they hit their 30s, can experience a change in health. While the exact changes and severity of the changes will differ for everyone, there will likely be some noticeable differences between life in your 30s and life in your 20s.

It’s likely not going to be immediately noticeable the day you wake up post-30th birthday, but over time, you may find you experience some fluctuations in your health and body.

To combat these changes and give your body what it needs, you can do many different things, from improving outer nutrition getting enough sleep each night, and being as active as you can be. But what else can you do to keep your body as fit and healthy as possible?

Visit your doctor

It is more important than ever that you keep up to date with your medical appointments and visit at least annually for your physical with your primary care physician. This can give you an insight into your health, allow you to discuss any concerns, and ensure you are healthy. A decrease in muscle mass, bone density, and thinning skin significantly can impact your life and your body even if you don’t feel like they are, so allowing your doctor to check these out and more can get you the right advice and treatment you need.

Dental care is essential.

Over time, your teeth will shift with age, and this is entirely normal. However, just because it’s normal doesn’t mean it won’t cause you any issues. This movement can make brushing and flossing more tricky, increasing the risk of plaque buildup, dental pain, and gum disease. Visiting your dentist or finding a dental office such as Jefferson Dental & Orthodontics can help you discover more about the condition of your mouth, check for any movement, and combat any issues you might be experiencing in your mouth.

Go for your screenings.

There are many screenings that will automatically be required once you hit certain ages. While there are no automated screenings once you hit 30, in your 40s, 50s, and beyond, you will likely receive an invitation for one of many screenings. That being said, you should consider booking screenings for your cholesterol and diabetes (this is recommended for people over the age of 35 and for those who are overweight) in your 30s. As you get older, you will likely be invited for breast cancer, cervical cancer, bone density screenings, and more.

If you are sent a letter inviting you for any screenings, go, even if you don’t think anything is wrong. It’s easier to treat health conditions in the earlier stages than once they have progressed.

Check your eyes

Your eyesight will change as you get older, which will likely happen between the ages of 41 and 65. Even if you’ve always had perfect vision, you might find that you don’t keep that once you hit the so-called “middle ages” of life. Again, this is natural, but getting your eyes checked at any age for any changes in your sight can help you get the treatment you need, find the right glasses to improve your eyesight, or even allow you to diagnose any other health issues.

It is important to stay on top of your health at any age, but as you get older, this becomes even more of a necessity. Go to your health screenings, get yourself checked out regularly, and enjoy good health for as long as possible.

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About Tasha

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