Raainbandzup – Out My Body

Raainbandzup uses raw emotion to power new songs filled with hope 

HAYWARD, CA – From the opening notes of Raainbandzup’s music, you can tell that she’s had a rough life. The raw emotion in her voice paired with transparent lyrics that dive deep into her pain immediately evoke a wave of feeling from anyone who listens. And yet the upbeat nature of her instrumentals and the powerful energy that she brings make those heartfelt songs something that could be heard in any club around the world.  

Her debut single, “Out My Body,” is a perfect example of that paradox of sound and style. The high energy dance song is born from Raain’s desire to escape from the pain of her life. It’s a club song that welcomes anyone who listens to join her in just having a good time and escaping from the hardships of life for a while. 

“I grew up in an abusive home and have had a very hard life,” she said. “We had locks on the refrigerator and my mom was an alcoholic. I remember crazy things like when she threw me in hot water or when she poured ammonia all over me. I was always starving and dirty and I never really had a birthday or Christmas. I’ve never seen a baby picture of me ever in my life. None of my extended family ever acknowledged me, either. I’m in this universe alone – just me and my four kids – and only I get to decide who is in my path of life. I make all different types of music that comes from that. I do R&B or Dance or any type of music there is, and all of it shows that I walk my own path of life.” 

Raain said she started doing music at age 11 as a way to escape the various abuses she was facing at the time. She said artists like Nikki Minaj, Beyonce and T.I. gave her inspiration and made her first start exploring various forms of artistic expression. 

“It was how I carried all the abuse I had in my household away from me,” she said. “I would get away from the fighting and the sexual abuse and the black eyes and the broken arms and just let the music take me away from it all. I found out pretty quickly that I could hum something and come up with a whole song pretty easily. Once I figured that out, I’ve been doing it ever since.” 

Along the way, Raain has also explored other forms of entertainment. She studied for a time at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco with the intention of becoming an actor. She learned through that experience that music was her true love, however, and she hasn’t looked back since. 

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To listen to Raainbandzup’s music or to follow her on social media, please visit: https://m.facebook.com/Raainrocquel 




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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: djsmoketop10@gmail.com | Cell: 773-357-6651

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