beginners makeup kit

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Beginners Makeup Kit, Chrissy woods

Build your Makeup Kit in Under $50 with Bh Cosmetics

BH Cosmetics Winter 16 Makeup
I totally get it, you want to wear makeup, but just don’t know where to start or what to buy. Trust me, I hear this all of the time. I know getting started with makeup can be a bit overwhelming and if you’re not careful, it can be quite expensive. I created this post to help you build your Beginner’s Makeup Kit while maintaining around a $50 budget. Impressive huh? Trust me, we can do this with the help of BH Cosmetics. Y’all ready? I do all of the work for you, all you have to do is CLICK! Follow these simple steps and you won’t have to worry about wasting money on makeup you don’t use! Let’s Get Started!


Your makeup can’t even be considered complete, if your brows aren’t on FLEEK!  So let’s start here. By filling in your brows first  as a beginner, it’s easier to see the direction your makeup is going. In order to frame your brows, you’ll need a good brow pencil. (For help with filling in your brows, you can watch my tutorial HERE ). I suggest THIS ONE and guess what? It’s only $5.50. I love this one because it even has a spoolie on the end for you to brush and groom your brows!This can be compared to some of the hight end brow duo pencils. Depending on your complexion and your desired brow, Ebony and Brunette are great choices for darker shades of brows. For a lighter shade, try Medium.

beginners makeup kit, chrissy woods, bh cosmetics, brow pencil


Foundation helps to even out overall skin tone. I love a good liquid foundation, especially for my beginners. It’s not a heavy and/or cakey feel, yet it looks amazing on the skin. My suggestion for a foundation is THIS ONE. This foundation got me through for so long! It’s only $4.00 and it’s really a great foundation.

beginners makeup kit, chrissy woods, bh cosmetics, foundation, beginners makeup


What good is great makeup if you don’t have the proper tools to apply it with? No worries, I got you covered. Having a nice set of brushes alone will take your makeup from DRAB to FAB in no time! This 14 Piece brush set is PERFECT for any look that you want to create. And at only $16.00 this is a HUGE steal! Check it out HERE . I also suggest a Beauty Blending Sponge to help blend in and evenly distribute your foundation. You’re in luck……its only $4.00. Visit my Youtube channel for tutorial on how I use my brushes and Sponge.

beauty sponge, beginners makeup kit, chrissy woods, bh cosmetics, beginners makeupbrushes, beginners makeup kit, chrissy woods, bh cosmetics, beginners makeup


Now this part is fun to me! This is where your personality and personal preference can come out. You decide which eyeshadow palette is right for you. Would you prefer more vibrant colors or neutrals? Again it is up to you. In order to remain in our $50 budget, choose a palette that is under $9. Check out the Eyeshadow Palettes HERE . My suggestion is THIS ONE  because it is an eyeshadow and blush palette all in one.

eyeshadow and blush, beginners makeup kit, chrissy woods, bh cosmetics, beginners makeup


Now its time to pucker up to these amazing $5 Long wearing Lipsticks. I wear one of these lipsticks almost everyday. That’s how much I love them. They go on creamy and dry matte, and lock into place. Yes trust me, you will love these lipsticks. Get bold and dry a deep/dark color for the Winter, but go ahead and pick up a bright color too, to change things up.

 lipsticks, beginners makeup kit, chrissy woods, bh cosmetics, beginners makeup


These next two items are optional for your personal makeup kit, depending on your needs. Those items are Concealer and Bronzer. I’m petty, I would definitely choose Bronzer over Concealer, because i love a good GLOW. However, if you do have blemishes or areas that you wish to cover, concealer would definitely be an option for you.

Concealer: These concealer sticks are awesome for on-the-go and quick touch ups to your skin. With pricing as low as $3 we are able to purchase 2 of these and still remain under our $50 budget!

concealer stick, beginners makeup kit, chrissy woods, bh cosmetics, beginners makeup

Bronzer: If you’re like me and chose the bronzer. This particular Bronzer palette is awesome. These can be applied wet or dry and can be used as a highlighter, eyeshadow or just a wash of color for the face and cheeks. CHECK OUT THIS ONE. The best part is, it’s only $6.50 which places us right below our $50 budget! (whispers Even if you’re over budget…..get the bronzer! You’ll love it!)

bronzer, beginners makeup kit, chrissy woods, bh cosmetics, beginners makeup

So BOOM! There you have it! An amazing Makeup kit for you which will offer so much versatility in your looks. This kit is great for everyday makeup for work, or that perfect GLAM for going out. If you need a 1 on 1 session to learn how to use your items visit and enter your information, someone from our staff will contact you within 24 hours. Once you have received your items please tag me on Instagram or Facebook and show me the items you received and the looks that you created.

Be Blessed and Be BeYOUtiful,

Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat: @mschrissywoods