Tah-Hir – Sucka Free @AirTahir

The newly released single “Sucka Free” is a nostalgic record from Tah-Hir. It has elements of a 90’s record circa Biggie and Bad Boy. It also carries a timeless feeling to it courtesy of the funkdified self-production.

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Tah-Hir is an upcoming artist residing from the west coast. He self produces all of his music and is independently pushing through the Imprint OpenMind Records with the help of 3 others. Tah-Hir released his first song on Soundcloud top of January 2017 and for the last year has put out multiple releases which are also available on all streaming services. Going for mainstream success, Tah-Hir plans to consistently put out music for the rest of this year & become a break out star in 2019.

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About Tasha

I'm the owner of this hee-yuh!

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