Tehondi – 95 @Tehondi

Tehondi (Teh-hon-dee) is a true poet and independent Hip-Hop artist based out of Chicago. His style consist of mixing hard hitting beats and ear catching hooks with powerful motivational lyrics to create truly uplifting hip-hop music. Being nearly 4 years since his 1st album release, Tehondi has finally announced that his sophomore album “Hiatus Days Over” will be released September 28th, 2018. An album he best describes as his journey of building a winner mentality & the struggles he faces trying to dominate the world. “It’s do or die” according to the performer. His 1st single ‘Tehondi-san’ was released 8/24/2018 to great reception; a song representing how determined Tehondi is to obtain everything he desires. His 2nd single ’95’ takes it to a entire new level and is quickly becoming the ‘f#ck a slave job’ anthem of 2018.

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What lead to the creation of 95 is an argument I had with a close friend. He told me I shouldn’t be trying to sell my music and that I should just work a 9 to 5 to keep affording studio time instead. That made me so mad. I’m not paying ‘dues’ to do what I love. The aggressive trap nature of this beat became the perfect foundation to let out all my frustrations on this ‘f%ck a slave job’ anthem. Any person can turn up to this & it might make you leave your slave job too! This song is very special as well as it is being released on the 4 year anniversary of my 1st album ‘Become The Savior’ (9/5/2014); not to mention i was born in 95. The cover art is a photo I drew of myself as youth. Despite over decade of time passing by, I’m still as serious as ever about accomplishing everything I want in life. Less than a week prior to releasing the song, I actually left my 9 to 5 job to dedicate all my time to releasing my new album Hiatus Days Over album dropping 9/28/18.

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About Tasha

I'm the owner of this hee-yuh!

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