Video: Demmene Syronn – You’re Not Alone

Demmene Syronn (a.k.a. Dirty Ice), half of the Providence based Hip Hop group “DirtyDurdie,” is working his solo effort, and today we get the visual for “You’re Not Alone”. The new offering is a personal, and Demmene killed it. His delivery and lyrical message are powerful. According to Demmene, the song was written to combat the public inclination to judge those who suffer from addiction. The intention is to let them know that despite general perception they are not the only ones who struggle with the consequences of personal missteps. Demmene has courageously offered his story so as to lead the charge for those who feel trapped by social stigmas. The overall goal of the song is to inspire those who can relate and to show that substance abuse is not a death sentence, but instead a challenge that can be overcome and left in the past. Take a listen below.

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About Tasha

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