Pkilla Musik delivers the visual to his single “Loving On You”
Pkilla Musik`s Breakout Song “Loving On You” has reached the ears of millions. With over 1 million streams, Pkilla Musik is not scared to grab his fans with witty phrases and smooth words. Pkilla Musik`s song “Loving On You” has smooth upbeat futuristic waves and sound`s that stimulate the mood. The song is produced by Rich Boy Dior.
Pkilla Musik’s new hot singles, move the dance floor and build an overwhelming response from fans, DJs, and radio stations. ” I am very excited about the way things have started to move forward for this Rising Star”. Said, his management team. FM Radio Promotion is part of Pkilla Musik Records Corporation (Music Services). Check Out His FM radio appearance on Phoenix 98 FM Radio Station.
Pkilla Musik was featured on Rising Star`s Radio Show. “Rising Star” is our regular radio show and podcast which allows the unsigned and emerging artists from around the world to get their music out to our regular audience of 99,000 listeners – 38,000 on FM in East London and South Essex area with 61,000 online. Be sure to connect with Pkilla on his website, social media and digital music platforms.
Music Video Link: