SINN, a seasoned 20 -year vet in the music industry, has an incredible story that credits to his rise to fame.  I had the opportunity to link up with SINN to discuss his story and truly embrace his journey.

MJ: I want to begin by taking readers way back to the early years of SINN.  when were you introduced to music?  Was there a certain circumstance in your life that pulled you into music?

SINN: I was introduced to music at the age of 6.  My family had a studio that I would sneak into and my mother would take me to church with her where I would enjoy the sermon and the choir.   What pulled me into music was the way music made people move, react, and feel.

MJ:  Share with us that moment in your life when you knew music was much more than just a passion or hobby.

SINN: I would say after winning a few local rap battles in high school. I surprised my school by performing a song I created in a talent show and after seeing the reactions for something I created I knew God had blessed me with a gift. I also knew that when I couldn’t sleep without hearing beats and rhymes in my head at all times that I had to share what was in my head with the world.

MJ: Riding also plays a significant role in your life.  How does that lifestyle intertwine with creating music and your deliverance to fans?

SINN: I have certain passions in life which are Money, Music, and Motorcycles.  When I am riding my mind is free and clear to enjoy the beauty of life and its surroundings and I become inspired by it.  I am part of the biker community so I live the biker lifestyle.  I want the world to experience it thru my eyes and feel the love and passion that I have for it.

MJ:  Not many know that you have worked with many major artists such as Prince, Alicia Keys, Jay Z, and that’s just to name a few.  I’m sure those experiences were both rewarding and knowledgeable.  Tell us some key pointers about the music business that you learned during those times. How would you say those experiences influenced the path of your own music career?

SINN: Yes, I was blessed to have been at the right places at the right time.  What I learned from them was to never waste time because no matter how much money you have you can never buy time.  I learned that you have to stay focused and it takes time to make quality and timeless music.

MJ: Let’s talk about your music! As a 20-year vet in the game I know you create timeless music and music that exceeds what’s hot right now or the latest trends. Describe your style and flow. What separates you from others artists?

SINN: My style and flow is original. I let the beat tell me how I am going to approach each and every song, so as the beat changes so does my flow. When people first hear my voice they say I sound like DMX, but with my own swagger. I am honored by that fact.

MJ: You have an extensive music catalog all of which is available on digital streaming platforms. Talk about your progression as an artist throughout the years.

SINN: My progression came about in a totally different way than most. I focused on creating the music and learning the music business first.  I focused on producing and engineering, then mixing & mastering other artist’s song.  That lead me to ghost writing songs for other artists.  I decided to focus on building a musical legacy after my near death motorcycle accident. I went to visit my uncle in Pittsburgh who was dying from cancer, barely could speak with a tube in his throat…his last words were you need to put out this CD…One week later I was in Ohio riding when my uncle past.  I was out riding with my sister when I was struck.  I woke up in traffic when I regained consciousness and her first words to me were “It would be a shame for you to die with all that music inside you.” So I went to the hospital, healed up a bit, went home still bandaged up and began recording. I haven’t stopped since!

MJ:  Thank you for sharing that, this is your destiny! What is out now for fans and listeners to get their hands on? Also tell us about some upcoming projects, collaborations, or tours.

SINN: I have released 17 songs this year so they can experience Ryder Music. As far as my projects, collaborations, and on my upcoming tour fans can stay up to date by logging on to www.hmdmuzic.com.

MJ:  Hip Hop…What does that mean to you? As an artist do you feel you contribute to the culture of Hip Hop?

SINN: Hip Hop is a culture, a language, and a lifestyle that we are involved in.  I would like to believe I give back to Hip Hop what it has given to me, and that is a purpose and a drive as well as an avenue to deliver a message.

MJ: Before we wrap up let’s give fans a better feel on who SINN is.  Name 3 artists in your personal playlist. What 3 places would you like to tour?  Who would you name as the most influential person/being in your life?

SINN: The artist in my playlist are: Jay-Z, 50 Cent, and The Temptations.  Three places I would like to tour are: Japan, Africa, and Guam. The most influential person in my life is my mother!  Her drive is an inspiration in itself.

MJ: Is there anything else you would like the world to know about SINN?

SINN: Always stay hungry for success but never starve for attention.

MJ: Thank you for taking time out for the readers and fans. I wish you continued success, salute!

SINN: Thank you and I am honored.


Listen to SINN below

Follow SINN





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