Kerry Kathleen – Homegirl

Wine connoisseur offers vintage new sound to the world with new single ‘Homegirl’

SANTRA ROSA, CA – Good wine and good music is something people all over the world enjoy on a daily basis but for Kerry Kathleen, it’s a combination that defines her life. 

The young artist from Sonoma County, California, is not only a hot new artist that is drawing increasing attention from fans all over the world but is also a Certified Sommelier. She is active in the wine industry and travels the world as a Sommelier, tasting new wines and educating people about perfect pairings and new vintages. 

“I’ve been studying wine for a while,” Kerry said. “It took precedent over music for a bit because when I started studying it in college, I decided to take it all the way and dedicate my life to being a Certified Sommelier. I achieved Level 2 certification which means I can understand the wine laws and classic wines of the world for a deeper understanding that you would see in fine dining restaurants. It took about six years to reach that level, and there are only about 10,000 people in the world who have that level certification. I reached that in 2017 and since then, I’ve been focusing on music.”

The same dedication and attention to detail that went into her sommelier certification is now being poured into her music, and that hard work is paying off. Her debut single “Homegirl,” was released in April and in just a few short months has been making waves along the West Coast. Featuring a dreamy sound with some electronic influences and ethereal harmonies, it’s the perfect song to introduce Kerry’s unique sound to the world. 

“I have ethereal harmonies with a high range,” she said. “My songs are mellow but I take that range very seriously. I have vocal training and I think that shows through my music. I want my songs to be mellower with some slight electronic influences – something you could definitely hear on the radio today.”

Kerry said that sound will be further explored on an EP she plans to drop later this year, followed by a West Coast tour she’s currently trying to put together. In the meantime, she’s enthusiastic for a larger audience to hear “Homegirl.” She said the chill vibe of the song is one that almost anyone will enjoy as a way to “just mellow out and listen to wherever you’re at.” It has an Alina Baraz kind of vibe with elements that are reminiscent of Billie Eilish or Skylar Grey. Yet while those influences are evident, Kerry’s sound is definitively her own and stands out as truly original. The message behind the song is also unique in that it highlights a relationship that most people have but many don’t fully appreciate all the time – that of a best friend.

“It’s about the unconditional love that comes from a friend who always has your back,” Kerry said. “I call it a homegirl and for me, personally, it’s someone who I literally lived with as a roommate. We have both been inspired by each other, more so for me than anyone else in my life. When it came time for us to move out and find our own place, we realized we didn’t want that and so we decided to stay together and live together and continue to inspire each other musically.”

“Homegirl” is currently available across all digital streaming platforms and will be featured on Kerry’s forthcoming EP. 

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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: | Cell: 773-357-6651

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