Michelle Pella – Take A Walk with Me

New singer/songwriter Michelle Pella brings a charming and bubbly spirit of joy to the world

TAMPA, FL – Most people who meet Michelle Pella are left with a feeling of joy and because of her naturally bubbly and outgoing personality. Self-described as a “love bird,” this Midwest native who now resides in the Tampa Bay area of Florida puts that joy into her music and it has been leaving a mark all over the country. 

Best described as a singer/songwriter, Michelle’s passion for music started at a young age. Not only did she feel drawn to music at school, but she spent a lot of time with her late grandmother, Ardentrice Moore, who helped nurture her voice and love for music and its role in her life from singing in the church choir and various other performances throughout her childhood.

“My mother loves music. My grandmother also loved music; she was a singer and choir director. In particular, my grandmother encouraged me to avoid a mediocre life, do my best and work hard,” Michelle said. They have always wanted me to truly be happy in life and in the career I chose in life. My grandmother was a songwriter, as well, and that always stuck with me. I feel her presence reminding me at times to stay humble, be who I am and never look back, just look forward. She definitely was a huge influence.”

By age 14, Michelle co-wrote and co-directed a high school film. By her late teen years she began writing songs and it’s apparent that she had a different way of writing music unlike anything she was hearing in popular songs. Melodies come to her thoughts and songs just pour out of her sometimes in as little as 15 to 30min. She gradually put together an archive of music that she eventually took with her into the recording studio in her home town of St. Louis. With some success there, she was encouraged to move to the East Coast to establish a corporate career and further pursue music. In the years since, she has worked hard to develop her own unique sound and style, and she’s now poised to show the world a new artist with a voice that demands attention.

“I’m musically versatile and I don’t think there are a lot of people out there who can write songs the way I can,” she said. “I think it’s rare and I hope the music community can see that. I see myself succeeding because I bring something people haven’t seen before. I’m a love bird, and I can speak and talk to anyone. I’m approachable. That’s the kind of music I want to put out there. Anyone can listen to it and it has a good positive vibe and flow about it. Ultimately, I hope my music is the kind of music that can bring people to think about life, appreciate life and make the best out of life. I hope I can give a positive effect to people through my music, regardless of what’s going on in their lives. They can still make it a good day. They can listen to it and make the best of whatever life they’ve created for themselves. I’m a human being just like everyone else, but I am my own person and I hope people who listen to my music will feel the love and joy behind who I am.”

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To listen to Michelle Pella’s music or to follow her on social media, please visit:





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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: djsmoketop10@gmail.com | Cell: 773-357-6651

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