Post: Tips On How to Handle Dementia in the Family

When dementia hits someone in your family, it can be devastating. Life as you know it will now change, even if it’s not you that’s had the saddening diagnosis. It can be difficult to know how to approach the situation of dimension when you know that there will be behaviour changes, eventual loss of memory, and the idea that nothing will ever be the same again.

Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do to help someone with a diagnosis of dementia, no matter how far the disease has progressed. Unfortunately, dementia doesn’t go away and in many cases, the person with dementia won’t remember very much or anything towards the end of their lives, but here are some ways you can help them.

Arrange top notch care for them

If you’re not well versed in how to care for someone with dementia or can’t dedicate as much time as you’d like to take care of them because of work or other responsibilities, then it’s important to look into what kind of care they will need. There are plenty of specialised nursing homes that welcome dementia patients that have fully trained staff who understand the needs and demands of a dementia patient. However, your loved one may want to live in their own home for as long as possible, so you might want to look into getting them in-home dementia care so that they can stay in a place that’s not only comfortable, but more familiar to them.

Arrange and be a part of their daily activities

Just because your loved one is losing parts of their memory and is going through some behaviour changes, it doesn’t mean their lives have to come to a standstill. In fact, it means the complete opposite. Planning plenty of activities that they’ve previously enjoyed, as well as finding new ones together is a great way of spending time together and making sure there’s as much normalcy in their lives as possible. There are lots of organisations you can turn to that will help plan different activities, especially if your loved one has lost their mobility and you need a hand with transport.

Get mental and emotional support

Finally, looking after someone with dementia isn’t easy. It can be heartbreaking to see your loved one slipping away from their former selves and at times, it can be very challenging to deal with their new behaviours and thoughts. But, there are plenty of charities that can help support you and your loved one through this difficult process. Not only that, they can help teach you more about dementia so you can practically look after your loved one. Remember while it’s important to give them mental and emotional support, you’ll need it too. There is help out there, so don’t suffer in silence.

While dementia is devastating, it’s not the end! With the right planning and lots of love, your loved one can still live a full life in a happy and healthy way!

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About Tasha

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