Evan Michael Green – Good Chick

Hot combo of master storytelling and mixed genres on EMG’s new EP “Growing Pains”

LOS ANGELES, CA – Evan Michael Green (also known as EMG) treats listeners to superb music and highly crafted stories at the same time. His new EP, “Growing Pains” is the loosely autobiographical personal journey of a man trying to evolve into a better musician, a better artist and a better person. When this east coast songwriter headed out to LA two and a half years ago, he wanted to document his relocation adventures as they were happening.

On “Growing Pains,” Evan delivers a mix of three genres he loves most: R&B, Pop and Hip Hop. Every song has a certain feel to it which puts you in that world for a short time, then immediately takes you out on the next track. Evan tries not to stay in any one genre for too long which expertly drives the flow of music and story.

As a storyteller, Evan developed a character based upon himself to take us through some challenges of settling in a new place. “New Identity,” actually released a year ago, was incorporated into this project because it works so well as an introduction to the narrative. The story progresses with troublesome relationships in “Bad Girls,” and leads to the realization that relationship problems have been brought on by himself. 

Guys often chase after what they’ve been warned against. Evan said “I feel like we try and address our problems and sometimes we end up right back where we started.” After discovering that pursuing “Bad Girls” doesn’t give him what he really wants, the solution comes out in the track, “Good Chick,” where he paints an image of the woman he truly desires.

A perfect extension of his storytelling, Evan’s YouTube channel has millions of views. His tremendous success comes from making highly creative videos with convincing characters (which Evan enjoys playing). His powerful performance as a manipulative smooth talker in “Nice Voice,” for example, got the reaction he was aiming for. He always wanted to be a visual artist and feels that video gives a song new life. More quality videos followed for the new EP including “Bad Girls” and “Good Chick,” which picks up where the previous video left off.

Evan grew up in a household surrounded by creativity and music which naturally led him to become a creative teen and expand his ideas in adulthood. After attending Berklee College of Music for Music Business and Marketing, Evan later made the decision to live in his car for six months while saving to relocate to LA to pursue his music career. “It was a roll of the dice but it paid off for me,” he said.

His other passion of building people and companies led him to start his independently operated label and production company, Ten Sixty Seven. While maintaining creative control of all aspects of his music and having the freedom to be self-sufficient are advantages to running the company, the time involved and large learning curve meant that he was only able to put out two songs in 2018.

With processes now in place, Evan has time to do more of what he loves. He took a year and a half to train his voice for his crowning achievement, a track first written in 2017 called “No Ceiling.” Evan has learned to master and disguise his voice which is evident on “Growing Pains.” He changes his voice on nearly every song depending on the desired vibe. Dedication and a lot of hard work have gone into creating the new EP, and it shows. “Definitely grinding on this EP for a good amount of time,” said Evan, “just to get everything right!”

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To listen to EMG’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:







“Good Chick”



About The Author

About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: djsmoketop10@gmail.com | Cell: 773-357-6651

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