Freddy D – Everybody

Freddy D creates major buzz in the Music World
with new album ‘Extant’

HEMPSTEAD, NY – A hot new album from up-and-coming music artist Freddy D is giving fans of the genre a lot of exciting things to talk about. Called “Extant,” the album dropped on Sept. 13 and features Freddy D’s unique blend of power and lyrical mastery, showcasing an ability to make strong, relevant music that has been compared to Jay-Z, Nas and Kanye. Tough and wise, it’s a project that shows Freddy at the top of his game, ready to take it even higher.

“My whole life, I was trying to become a superstar,” he said. “I’ve been blessed with vision.  Even though a couple of record deals from the past went south because they weren’t aligning with my vision, I knew I wanted to keep the creativity going. As I was struggling with how to create my own stuff, the world changed. It wasn’t ready for what I was doing before but it’s ready now, and that’s what this album is about. It comes to a point of being existent even though people think it’s not a reality.”

The album starts off slow, with a mellow tune that samples the Bee Gee’s “Staying Alive,” and which Freddy said is one of his favorite songs. From there, it picks up with the single “Everybody” which is a song that Freddy said opens the conversation about love and acceptance and the innate desire to belong to another person. The journey continues across nine songs and one skit on the album, all of which Freddy said is sure to leave its mark on the Hip Hop industry.

“I feel like I bring something different,” he said. “I started my own record company and produced my own music without selling drugs – just the hard grit from an everyday job and the hunger to not let my talent go to waste. I believe in what I do and how I do it. I’m just like my fans. I bleed. I cry. I live. I sweat. I’ve been through so much. And it’s that humanity, I believe, that allows me to connect with so many people. I’ve made the most out of my hard times and I’ve been attracting attention with my music since I was in high school. Now I feel like people can see that I’m a fully developed artist with a real shot at breaking through worldwide. Hip Hop heads everywhere will be speaking my name and start listening.”

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To listen to Freddy D’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:

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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: | Cell: 773-357-6651

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