Hunter 6 Letterz – Shawty

Hunter 6 Letterz drops fourth EP of the year
with ‘Revolutionary Trap’

WINSTON SALEM, NC – Hunter 6 Letterz cannot be stopped. The Hip Hop artist out of North Carolina is like a music-making machine. He’s already made three EPs this year and he’s set to drop his fourth on Sept. 2 in the form of “Revolutionary Trap.” And he’s not looking to stop anytime soon as he has plans to drop more singles later this year. He is hard at work for a full album that he plans to release at the beginning of 2020. 

On top of that, he has a clothing line coming out in mid-September, he’s booking shows at festivals all along the East Coast, and he’s actively pursuing collaboration projects with other artists. When asked why he’s working so hard and putting out so much music, his answer was simple: “I’m really gonna grasp a lot of people’s attention.”

“I’ve come up with my own genre that I call Revolutionary Trap,” he said. “I’m the first one to do it and I’m trying to get it out there to as many people as possible. It’s basically speaking positive music onto trap beats. When I do music like that and when I play it for people, it grabs their attention. They say, ‘I like this song! I’m learning something. It’s actually teaching me something positive about myself or this world or about what’s going on.’ It’s a very eye-opening sound and style. It’s about waking up every day and seeing what’s going on in the world. Every time I turn on the TV, there’s a mad shooting or something negative going on in the world, but it doesn’t have to be that way. The world needs a leader who speaks about the truth and picks everybody up – not just for one race but for every race. I’m ready to be that leader.”

Hunter 6 Letterz has been a musician for many years, getting his first start at only age 6 when his father, who was the front man for a group called Lock and Load, wrote him a line and challenged him to rap it. Hunter said he practiced it and performed it for his father, and when his dad saw the effort he put into it, he knew his son had the makings of being a successful musician. Over the years, he encouraged his son and the hard work paid off. Hunter became a member of The Black Diamond Boyz as a teenager and they recorded albums with the independent label Onfolyfe Records. “Two Minds, One Dream,” hosted by DJ Chuck, was his first released album, and it took over the streets of North Carolina. 

In 2017, he went solo and started his own independent label, IVOS (Invite Only Society). His first single under that label was “Muchociliente” which was a smash hit off his solo project “6 Protons.” He followed that up with “6 Neutrons” and later “6 Electrons.” On all of his projects, he showcases his masterful use of lyrics and metaphors in ways that he knows will help educate his listeners and encourage them through hard times.  A perfect example of that is the debut single from his most recent album, a song called “Shawty.” 

“It’s a song about how a woman can help a man stay gentle in this world as he’s going through his everyday problems,” Hunter said. “It’s about getting back to that unity of men and women working as a team. If we can do that, a lot of things will change in this world.” 

Hunter said he doesn’t just speak about making change in his music. He also lives what he says. He gives a portion of his profits to organizations in the community that help care for the homeless, and he’s working to complete paperwork on his own nonprofit organization that would help feed and clothe homeless people in North Carolina. Under his label, he also works to give overlooked artists a chance to work their way into the industry. 

“You don’t have to be a certain type of person to be an artist,” he said. ‘You can bring light to people’s eyes in so many ways. I want to help bring a change to so many people, and a lot of that comes out through ‘Revolutionary Trap.’” 

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To listen to Hunter 6 Letterz’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:

“6 Protons” 

“6 Neutrons” 

“6 Electrons”


About The Author

About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: | Cell: 773-357-6651

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