Mike Colin – Electro Americana

Colin blends hip hop and electronic rock
in new homage to electronic music

DENVER, CO – Freedom is a word that Mike Colin finds himself using quite a bit. The artist from Denver, Colorado has been making music for more than 30 years, and a common theme over the years has been the free-flowing, organic nature of creativity. He also feels extremely blessed to live in a country that allows him to pursue his passion for music so freely and to create whatever he wants to. 

All of those ideas and more are captured on his new hit single, “Electro Americana,” which is a mash-up of rock, hip hop and electronic influences. It’s a song that fully embraces all that’s good and awesome about electronic music, while also pushing forward a message that encourages others to be free in whatever endeavors they choose to pursue.

“I think about how free I am to do this and how wonderful that is, and I’m not sure everyone knows how free they are to do what they want to,” Colin said. “Maybe I want my music to represent that. There’s such an attitude sometimes that something shouldn’t exist unless it’s popular, and I just don’t believe that. It doesn’t hold up. If my music represents anything, I guess it’s freedom and my imagination which are one and the same – and the attempt to inspire other people to embrace that freedom and take advantage of the opportunities they have before them.”

Colin has been taking advantage of that freedom and pursuing music as a career for more than 30 years when he first started performing in middle school. He’s been in rock bands, hip hop groups and even spent time in the 1990s as an acoustic performer during a time when music took a hard swing away from electronic sounds. He nods to the influences of classic rock legends like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and Jimmy Hendrix, all of whom were regular staples in his household growing up. But it wasn’t until high school, when he picked up the guitar and started really learning about music, that his passion for that artistic expression really took off. Since that time, he has created an archive of music that spans decades and offers the world an eclectic menu of organic sounds and styles. 

With “Electro Americana,” Colin said he’s attempting to create something that’s “just fun” without having too much of an agenda. When he sat down and started creating the song, he had no intentions of making a statement to the world. However, out of the free-flowing creative process, he discovered that the song came to represent the genre of electronic music in ways that he hopes champions the sound to a wider audience.

“I’ve framed it for people to look at electronic music a bit differently,” he said. “I make music in every which way you can imagine. This is a good time for electronic music and it’s a genre that shouldn’t be looked down upon. I was in an acoustic band in the 1990s when people were abandoning the whole idea of electronics, and I got it at the time. But there’s nothing wrong with electronics and there’s nothing wrong with acoustic. I’ve made both and they’re both great and it’s all good. And with this song, I just want to celebrate something that’s fun and organic and free.”

Colin’s “Electro Americana” is currently available across all digital distribution sites. A free anthology of his music – consisting of more than 150 MP3s for people to download – is also available. 

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To listen to Colin’s music or to follow him on social media, please visit:










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About DJ Smoke

Dj Smoke Mixtapes DJ | Curator | Music/Video Promotions | Marketing Chicago | @DjSmokeMixtapes | @SmokedOutRadio Email: djsmoketop10@gmail.com | Cell: 773-357-6651

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